• English Garden in late summer

    Putting in the hard work in the Spring will help your lawn look like this in the Summer.

    Already this month we’ve had blistering heat and cold damp days. A typical British Spring I’d say.  What do you need to do with your lawn in May? Well, this is the month your lawn should really be beginning to show the fine results of your labour the previous two months. Scarifying and Hollow-tine Aeration should now have stopped, (you can resume end of August through to October). If you haven’t applied a spring fertiliser then do so at the soonest opportunity to really bring the colour and strength of your lawn. It’s good to get the needed nutrients in the lawn to help establish good root strength and a lush thick sward. With the warmer weather the grass will be growing quicker and unfortunately so do the weeds, so apply a herbicide to keep them at bay. This month weeds such as Trefoil and Speedwell may begin to appear (I’ve seen it already actually) and these are nuisance weeds so repeat applications may be necessary. Always read the product label though for dosage and usage application rates.

    With your mowing schedule try not to be tempted to scalp the lawn even though it’s growing well now. Leaving the grass a little longer will help to trap moisture from the morning dew and help to keep the soil a little cooler. It may well be the case that with this burst of heat after such a wet winter you may already need to be mowing weekly, in which case keeping it a little longer shouldn’t pose a problem.

    I’ve already seen a few sprinklers on the go in the area and that’s not a bad thing but remember that your lawn can become too used to water and this time of the year the morning dew does a lot to benefit and refresh the lawn. So, unless it’s a newly sown lawn or new turf watering isn’t strictly necessary at the moment. The way things have been we usually have a day of rain sooner or later anyway to give a good soaking to the lawns.

    As usual any questions, enquiries etc…can be made and will be handled promptly and professionally. So why not get your lawn in shape with Sharpes.